Few weeks back I had the
privilege of attending three days Sensitization Programme on Child Abuse
organized by the National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development
Regional Centre at Guwahati for the Principals & Vice Principals of Govt.
Schools of Arunachal Pradesh & Nagaland. Even though I was forced to cut
short my summer vacation and attend the programme, I have no regrets for
sacrificing my holidays because the programme was well designed and was
effectively executed to derive maximum benefit within the limited time.
I have been in the teaching
field for nearly 25 years and have developed a feeling that I am discharging my
duties sincerely towards the cause of children. But the facts and figures we
got exposed at the program made me feel guilty for being ignorant about an
important issue concerning children over these many years. I am afraid that
many teachers, school administrators and officials dealing with children may be
in the same state of mind as I am. As practically it will not be possible for
the Govt. to depute all the Principals and Teachers in the state to such
training programmes, I wish to share the knowledge gained from the Sensitization
programme with the readers in the coming days. I hope it may help to increase
awareness among the public and would ultimately help the helpless children.
Kindly remember that I am not an expert in this subject matter and my main intention
is to arouse curiosity among the readers for further exploration of knowledge.
Child abuse starts from home:
Child abuse in India is often
a hidden phenomenon especially when it happens in the home or by family
members. Numbers of cases of child abuse in the home are hard to ascertain
because most of these crimes go unreported. Focus with regards to abuse has
generally been in the more public domain such as child labour, prostitution,
marriage, etc. Intra-family abuse or abuse that takes place in institutions
such as schools or government homes has received minimal attention. Societal
abuses that are a result of poverty such as malnutrition, lack of education,
poor health, neglect, etc are recognised in various forms by the Indian legal
system. But India does not have a law that protects children against abuse in
the home.
In 2007, the Ministry of
Women and Child Development (MWCD) released a study report on
child abuse. The report discusses incidence of child abuse nationwide. The
study of the MWCD found a wide spread incidence of child abuse. Children
between the ages of 5-12 are at the highest risk for abuse and exploitation.
The study found that 69% of children reported to have been physically abused.
Out of these 54.68% were boys. 52.91% of boys and 47.09 % of girls reported
having been abused in their family environment. Of the children who were abused
in family situations 88.6% were abused by their parents. Every two out of three
school children reported facing corporal punishment. In juvenile justice
institutions 70.21 % of children in conflict with law and 52.86% of children in
need of care and protection reported having been physically abused. With regard
to child labour 50.2% of children work all seven days of the week. 81.16% of
the girl child labourers work in domestic households, while 84% of the boy
child labourers worked in tea stalls or kiosks. 65.99 % of boys and 67.92% of
girls living on the street reported being physically abused by their family
members and other people.
The study also examined
emotional abuse and girl child neglect. It examined two forms of emotional
abuse: humiliation and comparison. Half the children reported facing emotional
abuse with 83% of that abuse begin conducted by parents. Girl child neglect was
assessed girls comparing themselves to their brothers on factors like
attention, food, recreation time, household work, taking care of siblings, etc.
70.57% of girls reported having been neglected by family members. 48.4% of
girls wished they were boys. 27.33% of girls reported getting less food then
their brothers. Of the young adults (ages 18-24) interviewed, almost half of
them reported having been physically or sexually abused as children. In the next discussion we shall see about Impact
Of Child Abuse Including Corporal Punishment.
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