Monday, February 13, 2012

A Murder and few Questions

“Class 9 student stabbed woman teacher inside the class room to death”. I was unable to react to the shocking news as the incident took place in a country where teachers were regarded next to God. I know analyzing the issues behind this incident is not an easy job as it is a multi dimensional problem. I am only sharing my views on the issue as a Teacher and a Parent and I hope my friends and readers would help to explore more by their critical comments.
The general outlook of the society has become so materialistic and humanity is slowly disappearing from the society. Our children are surrounded by an almost corrupt society and their position is in between heaven and hell. In theory we are teaching about good morals but what they experience in the real world is just opposite. They are over exposed to media which is full of violence. Most of the cinemas glorify violent heroes and the tender minds of children accept these screen heroes as their role model.
Every parent wants their children to become doctors, engineers etc and most of the Schools care only for the Academic side of the child. The concept of all round development of a child is neglected and molding of character is forgotten by both the Parents and the Schools.  Students are given pressure in many ways with the one dimensional task of securing better marks in the examinations. In order to maintain the reputation of Schools, the managements pressurize the teachers and the teachers in turn put pressure on the students.   Even though a teacher knows what he is doing is against the principles of education, he has no liberty to express his opinions to the concerned authorities.
It is true that a section of the teachers involve in unethical practices. But majority of the teachers are the victims of the greed of managements. Teachers are the least paid professionals in the private sector and no one is indispensable in private schools. In a country where the quality of education is determined by the pass percentage, most of the school managements treat the underpaid teachers like slaves and absolutely there is no job security. So the poor teachers simply obey their greedy masters. But sadly the anger of the innocent children is mostly directed towards the helpless teachers.
Many questions remain unanswered in the present murder case. The student might have not shown his arrogance all of a sudden. Was his character observed by teachers in earlier occasions? If yes, why corrective measures were not taken by the school authority? We may ask many questions. But what answer do we have to the young children of the deceased teacher?      


  1. Parents themselves feel agitated when a teacher corrects their wards. They too dishonour such teachers and join their children in abusing them. Gone are the days of matha, pitha, guru, deivam (mother, father, teacher, god)
    A teacher, as mentor, tries to refine him. This process varies from teacher to teacher. Some are very friendly in their approach. Some believe they have the right to reprimand erring students. They inform the parents so that they can also monitor such students. This apparently shows that a deep concern for the child makes some teachers do so.
    A teacher or a parent has to be strict with a child but not hurt him morally! Let a good understanding and rapport always exist among teachers, students, and parents.

    1. Thank you Mariappan. Teachers should treat young children carefully so that they do not feel insulted in front of others. We must recognize the change in the attitude of the society and adapt our self to the situation.

  2. Expecting teachers to perform MIRACLE is too much.It should be realized by all that the Teacher-Pupil-Parent-School authorities relationship is complementary to each other in the institution and the purpose of schooling should be to open the eye of the pupils to an honest and dignified life, rather than the current trend of "must excel by hook or crook" attitude.
    I honestly believe that everyone is partly to be blamed of not giving a sincere effort in realizing this objective of education.
    As for the case of the student stabbing the teacher it might have been triggered by some personal reasons, but whatever be the cause, it sends a clear massage to all about the deteriorating and failing system and we as a teacher we are at its helm.

    1. Thank U Tia. Yes, we are at the helm of the deteriorating & failing system. Let us hope we could bring gradual changes around us.

  3. Read ur blog! Very thought provoking ! I am also upset of the chennai incident ! too DISTURBING!!kEEP asking myself "am I,doing my best 4 my children !!Its time 2 make a self analysis!

    1. Thank U ! Self analysis of few of us would definitely bring desirable changes in the life of many !

  4. Sir, firstly its very sad that these days things have changed so much... i remember my school days.... during those days we as a students and todays students are totally different.... i don't know if one call it a generation gap or the advancement of technology.... coz the students or youngs are mould in a way society change them... for example today we can't watch even national TV channels with the whole family... u can see kids acting like a matured person... Secondly these days many young students of class 7 started drinking alcohol and partying late nite.... we never had this during our age... Lastly, we know wat the media have highlighted about the case of this teacher killed by a class 9 student, according to reports the teacher was a good teacher and she just informed dat kids parents about the performance nothing more than that... so i guess the parents play major role in moulding der wards or child.. coz teacher geting a period of class a day will be unable to design the child... thats all...

    1. Thank U Swappan ! Reports say that the parents of the boy provided many lavish things such as car, bike, sophisticated mobiles etc and lot of pocket money which are not required for him at this stage. When they suddenly withdrawn those after the teacher’s complaint, he went extreme against the poor teacher. It seems that the parents unknowingly changed their own son in to a murderer.
